Friday, March 16, 2012

Visiting a Village Hut

Unless you live in sub-Sahara Africa ... Unless you live in one of the poorest parts of the world ... Unless you have spent time in a Malawi Village ...

Yes, unless you have been there, are there, or spend a lot of time visiting there it will be impossible for you to comprehend what it is like to live in an African Village Hut in poverty like nothing else in the world. Words will describe it. Pictures will show it. Try as you might it will be hard to imagine there are people who suffer in silence in one of the poorest nations in the world.

In a mult-part series we have tried to describe in pictures and text the story of a grandmother who is caring for a number of grandchildren after the death of their parents. You will see the rooms of her house, the grain storage facility, and her orchard and garden.

To follow this series go to: https://

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