Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Warm and Fuzzy Story

It's almost like a fairy tale story. Pretty little girls. Brand new dresses. Women all over America who care, and work to bring hope to girls who never have a new dress, and never, never have anyone who brings them a present from America. See the story. It appeared on the NBC Nightly News on December 21.

Monday, December 19, 2011

NBC News Tells About Little Dresses

Girls in new Dresses
After meetings, early in 2011, near Detroit with the founder of Little Dresses for Africa, Scott Gordon and Dick Stephens carried 75 of the dresses to Malawi in July for little girls. The dresses were actually made from pillow cases. The little girls seldom receive any gifts, and a new dress is something many of them never get in their entire lives.  NBC Nightly News carried a story about Little Dresses early in 2011, and on December 20th the Nightly Network News (NBC) will report a follow up story. Part of the content for the story was filmed in Malawi a few weeks ago.